Flower Circus pattern collection
personal project - 2024
Flower Circus is a pattern collection that I created during winter 2023/24.
It was inspired by timeless colour palettes and the vintage circus universe.
For some time, I had in mind a collection of illustrations that would take place in a beautiful, old circus. However, I wanted the animals to be the heroes, free and happy in this colourful universe. The concept of this collection combines the beautiful swirls and shapes of spring flowers, and the playfulness of little animal characters dancing around.
This collection was developed as a personal project between commission work, filling the dark winter days with colours and movement.
Please take a moment to explore the collection,
and let yourself be immersed in a world of colours and joy.
Welcome to the Flower Circus ✨
✿ Hand painted patterns ✿
All elements of the pattern collection have been hand-painted with Gansai watercolour.
This Japanese paint differs from traditional watercolour, and can resemble gouache in certain aspects. When diluted with small amount of water, it provides an opaque, matte finish to the painting, ensuring that the design remains crisp and vibrant when digitised.
Once all of the paintings had been scanned, I proceeded to adjust the colours and create the repeat tiles in Photoshop.
✿ A variety of designs ✿
The collection comprises a diverse range of designs that can be combined in a multitude of ways to create visually appealing and harmonious compositions.
It features a variety of colour palettes, including light, dark and medium tones, offering a multitude of hues and contrasts.
The collection also offers a variety of scales, with small to bigger patterns, as well as geometric and organic designs.
3 hero prints
2 complex coordinates
4 simple coordinates

The Flower Circus collection has been designed to be versatile and suitable for use on a wide range of products.
It would make a perfect fabric collection,
a delightful collection of items for children’s bedrooms,
or a lovely stationery line.
Let’s close our eyes and imagine all of the possible colourful products printed with these designs to make our days a little brighter 🌞